* Your warranty is now void.
* I am not responsible for bricked devices, dead SD cards,
* thermonuclear war, or you getting fired because the alarm app failed. Please
* do some research if you have any concerns about features included in this ROM
* before flashing it! YOU are choosing to make these modifications, and if
* you point the finger at me for messing up your device, I will laugh at you.
ROM Info:
Chipset: MT6753
Kernel: 3.18.19
ROM Info:
Chipset: MT6753
Kernel: 3.18.19
AOSP Extended is an AOSP based rom which provides stock UI/UX with various customisations features along with the Substratum theme engine. The project has been made by cherry-picking various commits from various other projects. Being based on AOSP it provides a smooth and lag-free experience out of the box. We will constantly try to add more features and make it even better in future updates. AROM by a user, for a user. #StayAOSP #ExtendYourDevice #BeExtended
#ExtendYourDevice Here are the Extensions! on top of AOSP! We are contsantly trying to update the list. Our aim is not to provide all the features available on earth. We are not thinking of cherry-picking every feature out there. Our aim is to add important features that we think should be here and also what you think. For addition of more tweaks or features, head on to our G+ community and post the list of features that you want! Features with commits will be more helpful!
-DUI(Fling/Pulse/Smartbar) -Substratum Theme Engine -Omni's QSHeaders Background -One Handed UI -MicroG -Grid Recents UI -AppOps -Expanded Desktop -Statusbar Clock/Date Customizations -Dashboard Suggestions/Summaries (Enable/Disable) -Notification Intervals -Increasing Volume in Ringtone -D2S On Navbar -Long Press Back button to Kill App -Dashboard Column Configurations -Detailed Location QS Tile! -Statusbar Traffic Indicators -Notification Count -DT2s On Statusbar -QS Quick Pulldown -QS Brightness Slider (Enable/Disable) -QS Tiles Animations -Force Expand Notifications (Enable/Disable) -Immersive Mode messages (Enable/Disable) -Flashlight Notifications -Immersive Recents -Toast Icon -MediaScanner Behaviour On Boot -Power Menu Customizations -Additional Battery Saver steps -Volume Rocker Tweaks (Wake/Music seek/Keyboard cursor control/Swap in landscape mode) -Add Gestures Back to Settings App -QS Haptic Feedback -One Tap Data & Wifi Tile -Auto Brightness Icon Toggle -Breathing Notifications -Clickable Clock and Date in Statusbar Header -Long Press Gear Icon in Statusbar Header Launches Extensions -Show 4G instead LTE switch -Night Mode QS Tile -Long press Caffeine Tile Action -Customize QS Rows/Columns -Customize small QS Tiles -StatusBar Brightness Control -Lockscreen Shortcut -Double Tap on Lockscreen to Sleep -Quick Unlock for PIN/Password -Battery Styles and Percentage -FMRadio -Navbar QS Tile -Flip Button Animation -Unlink Notification Volume -Status bar Clock Seconds -Partial Screenshot Type -Screenshot Delay -VIA Browser -Phonograph -Pixel's UI (Navbar/Accent/Pixel launcher) -Camera Sound Toggle -Advance Ambient Display -Longpress Power Button on Lockscreen for Torch -Disable FC -Wakelock Blocker -Toggle Lockscreen Media Art -Toggle Lockscreen Music Visualizer -Ticker -Bluetooth QS Tile Easy Toggle -Disable QS on Lockscreen -Invert Ambient Display's Color -Toggle Dynamic Notification Card's Color -Low Battery Notification Toggle -Hide Clock/Date/Alarm Text from Lockscreen -Lockscreen Clock's Font Customizations -Weather on Lockscreen -AEXPapers -Heads up Customizations -DU's HW Button Rebinding -Button Backlight Customizations -Recents Clear All FAB button and Re-positioning -Recents Free Ram bar -Custom Carrier label -Dynamic Navbar And many more coming in future! Many extensions are added in each update so we miss out adding new extensions in this list. So always keep on checking the latest changelog in our G+ Community, and there you can monitor the previous changelogs as well, to see how far we have come! ADDITIONAL TWEAKS init.d support-95batterytweaks-S06netspeed Deknoxed Deodexed Prerooted (magisk) Dolby atmos (maximum ui) Busybox preinstalled Google apps preinstalled Google framework pre installed Tweaked build.prop for maximum performance
Want to try this awesomeness?
-Download the ROM -Backup each and every partition from Philz Recovery -Flash AEX Package -Wipe cache! -And Reboot! [First boot will take few minutes! Have patience] Clean Flash is always recommended!
- Camera capture is too bright on stock camera (fotej)
- Use other camera app, use b612
Jasper Medalla (Porter)
Madefu Blue
Charaf Eddine Mechalikh
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